How to live a true love? Cómo vivir el amor verdadero?

By From the Heart | Adela Hernandez | Marriages for Life

Aug 31

Blogger Adela Hernandez provides her blog posts in both Spanish and English. Scroll down for the English translation.

El amor Verdadero

¿Cómo vivir el amor verdadero?

Es difícil explicar lo que sientes cuando estás enamorado, sientes mariposas en tu estómago, sientes la necesidad de hablar con esa persona que de pronto te robo el sueño. Tus días malos se hacen mejores con su sola presencia.

Pero qué pasa cuando descubres que tu pareja ya no es la misma persona que era en el noviazgo y que esos detallitos que sentías en esa época, ya no son tan intensos; empiezas a notar más los defectos que las virtudes. Miras a tu pareja egoísta, desatento, etc., que todo te desagrada y de pronto quieres retirarte de este individuo y crees que te enamoraste de la persona equivocada.

Esta etapa del matrimonio es terrible, lo que mirabas color de rosa se vuelve negro, frio y feo, nada les agrada y en este período muchas de las parejas tiran la toalla debido al resentimiento que se ha anidado en su mente.

Para descubrir el amor verdadero en el matrimonio, es indispensable pasar por este proceso de madurez, fe, tolerancia y crecimiento del amor de uno para el otro. El amar a tu pareja, significa saber reconocer y asumir que las personas tenemos, tanto, defectos como virtudes y que el amor, no es un cuento de príncipes y princesas, sino todo lo contrario, es entre personas tan humanas como usted y como yo.

El amor sincero es enamorarse de las diferencias de tu pareja, realizando que eso mismo es tu complemento. Hay que ser tolerante con esas diferencias y abrir la puerta de la comprensión.

Una pareja saludable, feliz y satisfecha sabe que el amor verdadero se nutre de esa complicidad de miradas, de seguir sonriendo e ilusionándonos para un futuro mejor.

Uno no puede decir que ama a su pareja, hasta que conoce sus demonios. Hace falta amar de verdad para comprender que en una relación no todo es belleza y diversión, sino que también hay desacuerdos, batallas y hasta platos rotos.

El verdadero amor es amar a tu pareja aun con esos defectos que has descubierto y ese amor se fortalece día a día basado en el compañerismo, fidelidad, compasión, tolerancia, comunicación; respetándose y valorándose con autenticidad.

Pero para decir te amo, primero debes aprender a decir me amo, porque el amor y el conocimiento de uno mismo es la clave para generar relaciones saludables. Y para encontrar la pareja ideal debemos prepararnos nosotros mismos para una relación duradera que exige tiempo y trabajo interior. Sabemos que no es fácil pero con el tiempo, tendrás grandes beneficios.

El auténtico amor es capaz de perdurar al través de los años, aportando una felicidad sincera donde la pareja puede crecer personalmente y en conjunto, cuidando de los detalles del amor, haciendo castillos de ilusiones y nunca perder la capacidad de asombro.

El amor verdadero es amar a tu pareja como Cristo amo a su iglesia, que se entregó a ella sin condiciones, sin reserva ni excepciones.

Dios los bendiga.

True love

How to live a true love?

Being in love is difficult to explain. You feel butterflies in your stomach and the need to communicate with that person is completely overwhelming you that soon you’re losing sleep. Your bad days become better and brighter just with their presence alone.

What happens when you discover that your loved one is not the person you met while you were dating and those emotions you felt don’t feel as intense as when you first met. You might begin to notice more the defects of that person instead of their virtues. You might begin to see your loved one as a selfish, inattentive and disorganized individual. Soon everything about that person begins to turn you away from them and you begin to doubt your loved one and think you are with the wrong person.

At this stage, marriage seems terrible. The rose-colored lenses you saw your loved one start to turn black, cold and ugly, so much so that resentment rears its head. It is during this period that many of the couples are ready to give up or have given up completely on each other.

In discovering true love, this phase is unavoidable. A marriage is a process of maturity, faith, tolerance and growth towards love in each other. To love your husband/wife is to learn to recognize and accept the defects, faults and virtues. This will be a key element in recognizing that love does not come as a fairy tale, with a prince and princess that will be completely in tuned with each other, but on the contrary, marriage is between human beings like you and me.

Loving your partner sincerely is completely falling in love with their defects, faults and virtues; you have to realize that they are your complementary opposite, your other half. Learning to be tolerant with these differences will open the door for further comprehension.

A healthy, happy and satisfied marriage knows that true love is nourished by this complicity of looks, to keep smiling and enthusing them for a yet to come brighter future.

One cannot say that he or she loves his/her partner until they meets their demons. It is necessary to love truly, to understand that a relationship sometimes is not all beauty and fun, but there are also disagreements, battles and even broken dishes.

True love is to love your partner even with those defects that you have discovered. Love is strengthened day by day based on companionship, loyalty, compassion, tolerance, communication; respecting and appreciating it with authenticity.

But to say ‘I love you,’ you must first learn to love yourself, because the love and knowledge of oneself is the key to build healthy relationships. And a way to find the ideal partner we must prepare ourselves for a long-lasting relationship that demands time and inner work. I know that it is not easy, but with time, you will have great benefits.

Authentic love is able to endure through the years, providing a sincere happiness where the couple can grow personally and together, taking care of the details of love, making castles of illusions and never losing the ability to wonder.

True love is to love your partner as Christ loved his church, and that was by surrendering without conditions, limitations nor reservation.

God bless you all.

Adela Hernandez has worked in the convalidation marriage program, working with unmarried couples who live together to receive a sacramental marriage. She is pictured here with her husband, David. Read more about Adela on the "Meet Our Bloggers" page.

Adela Hernandez has worked in the convalidation marriage program, working with unmarried couples who live together to receive a sacramental marriage. She is pictured here with her husband, David. Read more about Adela on the “Meet Our Bloggers” page.


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