The Year to Appreciate What You Have

By From the Heart | Nikki and Tricia Walz | A Tale of Two Sisters

Nov 18

Scrolling through Facebook, you never know what you will find. Every so often, though, you come across a post that really resonates with you, and this particular post really struck me:

“2020 is not the year to get everything you want. This is the year to appreciate everything you have.”

Wow. How true is this!??! I bet if you were to ask anyone about the year 2020, they would have plenty of negative things to say about this year as a whole. But how neat is this invitation to change our way of thinking and to appreciate the things that we maybe weren’t fully appreciating before!

One of the many things I personally was not appreciating was having slow evenings and enjoying the quietness. To be quite frank, I tend to avoid silence. Adoration is my absolute favorite form of prayer; however, I find myself avoiding it sometimes because I am nervous about what God will ask me to do next. How ridiculous this is! God has always provided, but I still tend to doubt Him and His plan.

2020 has been such a challenging year; however, it is the perfect opportunity for us to appreciate what we have and to appreciate His plan for us! Jesus, we trust in you!


Tricia Walz and Nikki (Walz) Silbernick are proud Minnesotans who were born and raised in the heart of St. Cloud with their younger sister Briana.

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