La Convivencia: Coexistence

By From the Heart | Adela Hernandez | Marriages for Life

Aug 07

Vivimos una vida cada vez más difícil y complicada donde los aparatos eléctricos y redes sociales pareciera estar en primer lugar, como si no existieran más problemas y dificultades para el día, como si eso fuera lo más importante en nuestras vidas.Esta situación hace que muchos matrimonios se vayan deteriorando y enfriando viviendo en un constante y total fastidio hasta convertirse en extraños.

We live a very busy and complicated world, where electronics and social networks appear to be in first place — as if no other problems or difficulties existed. We would like to think that this issue is one that exists only among children or teenagers, but the reality is that adults are also faced with this situation in which their lives revolve around electronics and social media. Regrettably, this sort of approach to electronics and social media is having a deep impact on marriages because the spouses become strangers, and eventually their relationship deteriorates so much  that it becomes nearly irreparable.

La convivencia del hogar es muy exigente y es un arma de dos filos, puede ser el cielo o el infierno. Y en muchas ocasiones manipulamos y desgastamos el amor, nos olvidamos de las promesas a Dios que en los votos matrimoniales nos dimos el uno para el otro, y nos olvidamos de lo sagrado que es el sacramento del matrimonio.

The coexistence between spouses in their home is very demanding and therefore home can either be hell or it can be heaven. On many occasions we forget the promises we made to each other and God and manipulate or misuse our love. We easily forget the covenant we created with God and our spouse in the sacrament of marriage.

Tenemos que despertar y empezar a mirar a nuestro alrededor de cómo se miran muchos de los matrimonios modernos, con sus electrónicos de alta tecnología pero que brindan una gran pobreza espiritual en sus vidas, con cientos de amigos en las redes sociales pero con un total aislamiento en sus familias.

We need to wake up and take a long hard look at modern marriages — with their high-tech electronics and hundreds of friends on social media. We must look deeper and recognize that these things lead to great spiritual poverty and total isolation from other family members.

Haz notado que en algunas familias, aunque todos están presentes físicamente, al mismo tiempo están ausentes porque están en las redes sociales a través del teléfono o computadoras? Y se mantienen en propio círculo?

Have you ever noticed this in some families, that even though people are physically present during family reunions they are also absent because they connected to social networks via the phone or computer and disconnected from the present? Or perhaps you have observed that during dinner or supper spouses and children do not speak to one another; instead, they are looking downward to their phone and in their own little world.

El verdadero convivio familiar es compartir esos momentos, sus alegrías, logros y fracasos.

The true family gathering is to be present with all of our senses and share moments, thoughts, concerns, achievements and failures. A true family gathering is one that forces us to connect with those we love and love them with our presence in mind, body and spirit — to coexist with them.

La convivencia es abrir tu corazón, a escuchar y compartir unos con otros. La convivencia es salirse del egoísmo aprendiendo a compartir y dar. Ahí es cuando se descubre la alegría inmensa que proporciona la comunicación que es el fruto de la convivencia marital y de la familia.

Coexistence is to open our heart, to listen and to share with each other. Coexistence is to rid ourselves of selfishness and share and give of ourselves. That is when you discover the immense joy that communication provides, which is the result of marital cohabitation and family.

La convivencia es agradarse uno al otro, la convivencia debe de estar impregnada del amor de Dios y de su familia, ese amor que te inyecta la fuerza de ir hacia el mismo lado, los mismos ideales proyectos e intereses de nosotros.

Coexistence is pleasing one another, coexistence must be imbued with the love of God and the love of our family, that love which infuses you with strength to walk side by side in the same ideals, interest and projects.

Los matrimonios somos, la célula básica de nuestra sociedad, debemos de pensar en nuestros hijos, cuál es la imagen del matrimonio que les estamos mostrando.

Marriages are the basic cell of our society. They provide an image and example for others to follow. It sets the foundation for our children and how they will view marriage and what coexistence looks like between spouses.

Recordemos, que la convivencia la hace la familia, pero la mayor responsabilidad siempre recae en la pareja, mostrando el camino, recorriéndolo primero enriqueciéndolo con sus consejos, sus afectos su alegría y su amor.

Remember that coexistence comes from God as a gift for the family. But the greater responsibility always falls on the the couple, showing them the way, walking it first, enriching it with their advice, their affections, their joy and their love.

Adela Hernandez has worked in the convalidation marriage program, working with unmarried couples who live together to receive a sacramental marriage. She is pictured here with her husband, David. Read more about Adela on the "Meet Our Bloggers" page.

Adela Hernandez has worked in the convalidation marriage program, working with unmarried couples who live together to receive a sacramental marriage. She is pictured here with her husband, David. Read more about Adela on the “Meet Our Bloggers” page.


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