Alleluia! It is [still] Easter!

By From the Heart | Geralyn Nathe-Evans | Together We Journey

May 17


It continues to be the season of Easter in our church, in our faith.

It is a different Easter Season for me this year. I find myself wondering if we are indeed in the Easter Season. The last time I was able to attend Mass, it was Lent. The last time I was able to gather with community and pray, it was Lent.  Then came Covid-19 and the isolation. The doors of our churches have closed and I was left in the empty space of alone and darkness of community.

I have been praying alone each day to various web Masses, prayer experiences and gatherings. It is fine, but it is not the community I long for, I love, I need.

It had been difficult for my spiritual being, my mind and my soul to recognize the time of our faith journey in which we are living. I have been struggling to embrace the Alleluia of Easter.

I find myself considering the cold and darkness in the bleakness of Covid-19.  More than ever before, I need the warmth of Christ’s love. I long for the fire of faith to burn in my heart.

So as we stay apart, I, with intention, continue to draw near. I strive to focus time each day to prayer, to worship, to community.

It is a difficult time. It is also a time to see the fire of Christ, in spite of the darkness Covid-19 tries to cast upon our lives.

Geralyn Nathe-Evans has been called to the vocations of wife, mom, Lay Ecclesial Minister, nurse and friend.

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